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The manufacturing industry lies at the heart of innovation and new economies. A strong manufacturing industry will ensure that the Netherlands will continue to be a global player in years to come. What changes will industrial companies face in the coming years? And what can industrial companies do to stay future-proof? Find out below.


artificial intelligence, big data and robotizing
Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and robotizing are going to provide the factory of the future. This factory will be a mainly or fully automatized production environment with flexible assembly lines. These innovations will mean that it is no longer necessarily cheaper to produce in low-wage countries.

continued labor market shortage propels innovation
In the coming years, labor demand will remain greater than supply. This is already leading to an increase in demand for technology that increases labor productivity or replaces labor. New technology requires new skills, making it even more important for HR department to recruit and keep the right people.

towards a circular manufacturing industry
The government is spearheading a circular manufacturing industry where products and parts are no longer thrown away or low-grade recycled, but reused after processing. This involves radical changes in the current ways that goods are produced and sold.

making the manufacturing industry more sustainable
The manufacturing industry will also have to find solutions for the sustainable use of energy and raw materials. The manufacturing industry can innovate and thus play a crucial role in making the Netherlands more sustainable.

growing trade barriers
Given its dependence on imports and exports, the manufacturing industry is likely to be confronted by the impact of increasing trade barriers. The risk of importing and exporting products from and to countries outside the EU continues to increase.

scarcity of resources and raw materials
The sector is also facing challenges in the areas of availability and the price of resources and raw materials. The manufacturing industry is not only struggling with high purchase prices, but some materials are becoming unobtainable due to scarcity.

investment in research and development
Knowledge and technology are becoming the drivers for staying ahead of global competition. Manufacturing companies that invest relatively heavily in research and development operate in a more future-proof manner.

The above data is based, among other things, on the research report commissioned by the Rabobank, ‘Naar een toekomstbestendige maakindustrie’ (Towards a future-proof manufacturing industry).

market challenges

The effective use of marketing is playing an increasingly large role in promoting the potential growth and future-proofing of companies in the manufacturing sector. As a manufacturing company, do you recognize yourself facing any of the marketing challenges below?
  • Your brand is not reaching the desired target group
  • You don't have a compelling story that convinces customers
  • You do not stand out from the other players in your market
  • You have a strategic ambition that you cannot achieve with your current branding
  • You struggle to find employees or your current employees have no pride in their work
  • Your brand is missing out on the huge opportunities of digitization
  • Your brand no longer matches current market and customer needs
  • Your branding lacks individuality and recognizability
  • You lack sharp choices in where to go with your brand

increasing the
impact of
your brand

Do you want a strong brand? Drop by for coffee and find out what we can do for you.

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do you also want
a strong brand?

Let's get in touch.
Christy / brand expert
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