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Grow to more than 1,000 platform participants with new positioning

How do we grow to more than 1,000 participants within two years? That was the initial question from Varb, the largest trading platform for growers and traders of outdoor greenery. There was more to this question than the Varb team realized. Their story was not being told anywhere. Only then could we actively approach the target audience and ask them to participate on the platform. Now more than two years later, we've reached more than 1.000 participants!




  • brand positioning
  • website
  • brand activation


We started with brand positioning. We learned from their employees and customers that Varb is the connecting factor in growing greenery. Varb brings supply and demand together, encourages cooperation and makes trade easier and faster. A solid basis for the future. We took it from there and developed a new website and campaign. The campaign urged growers and traders to optimally prepare for the trading season. The message ‘Grow with Varb’ appealed to the target audience who decided to grasp the opportunities of digitization with both hands.


A solid marketing foundation from a well-considered positioning. The new website shows what both growers and traders can get out of the trading platform. References and a clear 'how it works' page encourage potential participants to apply for an account. We also ran online and offline campaigns. During this campaign, more than 50 people applied for an account. That is three times more than during the same period last year. Varb now has a basis to build on so that they can reach their goal of 1,000 participants.
“My team now has the tools it needs to continue to grow online.”

Linda Hoogendoorn - Director

Linda Hoogendoorn - Director

About Varb

Varb is the largest trading platform for growers and traders of outdoor greenery. Varb brings together supply and demand in outdoor greenery, so that products are sold and re-sold efficiently. In doing so, they are committed to promoting trade. Companies wanting to do business with each other can establish a trading relationship at the touch of a button. Digitization of the market has become manageable thanks to the simple, user-friendly structure set up by Varb.

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Want to know how we help ambitious brands grow? Nothing reflects this better than our recent work.

Do you also want a strong brand?

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Christy / brand expert

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