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Curious about what we can do for you?
Please contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

claim your unique brand positioning

Why should customers choose your organization? Claim your unique position in the market with a clear and distinctive brand positioning.

how does your company stand out among other players in your market?

With brand positioning, you make clear choices about which aspects of your brand you will communicate to your target audience. It highlights your unique strengths and ensures that you know what you stand for and strive towards.

state what you stand for and strive towards

With brand positioning, you make sharp choices about which aspects of your brand to communicate to your target audience. It contributes to a strong, consistent, and appealing representation of your brand. It communicates:

  • who you are and what you stand for
  • where your organization is headed
  • how you can differentiate yourself from competitors
  • how to appeal to your potential customers

step-by-step to a strong brand positioning

step 1: brand identity

The brand identity is the core of your brand. It represents what you stand for and strive towards. By articulating your brand identity clearly together, you gain focus and direction in everything you do. The brand identity includes your mission, vision, and brand values, among other elements.

step 2: external brand landscape

Why does your target audience choose your brand? Once your brand identity is clear, we will explore your brand landscape. Here, we will seek to understand the deepest motivations of your target audience and examine how your brand can differentiate itself from other players in the market.

step 3: powerful brand message

Based on your brand identity and brand landscape, we will determine how your brand will express itself to the outside world. With a clear brand message, you provide your target audience with the reason to choose your brand and affirm their feelings and desires.

the result

an unique position

We deliver your brand positioning as a handbook that provides you with the tools to implement this positioning. This way, everyone within your organization understands what makes your brand unique and what you stand for and strive towards.

view our cases

  • Altijd Het Beste Consultancy
    logo Altijd Het Beste Consultancy

    Launch of a new brand: Altijd Het Beste Consultancy


    This is content
  • Renovation
    Logo Veenpark Vastgoed Advies

    Renovation of the Brand Veenpark Vastgoed Advies


    This is content
  • Logo Eef Advocatuur

    A new brand in the field of law: Eef Advocatuur!


    This is content
  • Repositioning and website for Sparck Technologies


    This is content
  • Increasing awareness of the nature reserve around the river De Rotte


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  • Logo Slagerij Aad van Eijk

    From local butcher shop to a national brand


    This is content
  • Logo Coloured by Gerbera

    Gerbera colours your day - colourful campaign against the winter blues


    This is content
  • Translating the Intertoys feeling into the visual identity


    This is content
  • Communicating quality and innovation of products online


    This is content
  • Introduction of innovative storage and order-picking system


    This is content
“This is the step-up we were looking for at Aweta. We are all very proud of our renewed positioning”

Norman van der Gaag
Sales director at Aweta

Intellistore logo
Romynox logo
Meerdeur logo
KP Holland logo
Slagerij Aad van Eijk logo
Ronico logo
Intellistore logo
Romynox logo
Meerdeur logo
KP Holland logo
Slagerij Aad van Eijk logo
Ronico logo
Intellistore logo
Romynox logo
Meerdeur logo
KP Holland logo
Slagerij Aad van Eijk logo
Ronico logo
Aweta logo
Kneppers Rozen logo
Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
Coloured by Gerbera logo
Back2Basics logo
Waaijerbouw logo
Varb logo
Van Deelen Liften logo
Aweta logo
Kneppers Rozen logo
Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
Coloured by Gerbera logo
Back2Basics logo
Waaijerbouw logo
Varb logo
Van Deelen Liften logo
Intellistore logo
Romynox logo
Meerdeur logo
KP Holland logo
Slagerij Aad van Eijk logo
Ronico logo
Intellistore logo
Romynox logo
Meerdeur logo
KP Holland logo
Slagerij Aad van Eijk logo
Ronico logo
Intellistore logo
Romynox logo
Meerdeur logo
KP Holland logo
Slagerij Aad van Eijk logo
Ronico logo
Aweta logo
Kneppers Rozen logo
Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
Coloured by Gerbera logo
Back2Basics logo
Waaijerbouw logo
Varb logo
Van Deelen Liften logo
Aweta logo
Kneppers Rozen logo
Schotte Hoogerbrugge logo
Coloured by Gerbera logo
Back2Basics logo
Waaijerbouw logo
Varb logo
Van Deelen Liften logo

do you also want
a strong brand?

We’re happy to advise you.
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